i saw a couple pictures by some people with damaged film that looked really neat but not a lot of info on what/how to do anything.. from what i could tell i figured that most of these people develop their own film and did the damaging after they took the pictures & before processing.
being able to develop my own film would be swell, but i cant do that. i dont have the set up.. or the know how really..
anyway.. my original plan was to snap a picture, open the back, spray the film with some lemon juice (that's what i had decided to use, lemon juice) and then wind the film.. but i realized that this would be problematic.. mainly cause it would be super messy.
what i ended up doing was messy too i suppose, but it was messy in one batch instead of every shot. i got the film into the dark.. what i had for dark ended up being a black bucket.. plus extra stuff, but that was the only surely light proof thing i could find at the moment.. and pulled all the film out of the roll.. then i sprayed the whole thing with lemon juice (i had put lemon juice in a little spray bottle for this project). then i wound the film back in by hand, which took a long long time and i thought perhaps was not going to work and perhaps i had just ruined it and ugh. but eventually i got it all back in!
then i just used it like regular old film.
i used my "penmax" camera.. which is an old camera that i got from a thrift shop for a few bucks many years ago. i like it but i havent used it in a really long time!
so neat!~
it made the colours weird.. and also there's little bits of dust and whatnot stuck to it.. which i guess was bound to happen, but that's ok. i kinda like it!
one of the things that i like about my penmax thingy is that you can do multiple exposures..
well... i really like how they turned out..
i am gonna try it again sometime. probably with something else besides lemon juice, not sure what.. but i think it'll be neat to see what other things do.